Arches National Park

The group set out this morning for Arches National Park to photograph sunrise through the arch known as the North Window. However, the early morning cloud cover prevented any chance of seeing the sun come up over the horizon. The cloud cover did start to break up soon after daylight and we were treated to some fantastic light and cloud formations.  The image above is of Turret Arch which is located very near the North Window. Turret Arch offered many different compositional options and I spent a lot of time photographing it.

A little later, we noticed a storm forming and could see the rain falling in the distance. The cloud patterns along with the strange rock formations found here gave the scene below the appearance of belonging to another planet.

This evening we traveled to the ‘ghost town’ of Cisco.  An almost abandoned small town mostly composed of dilapidated homes and out buildings that have either totally collapsed or are just about to. The area is strewn with discarded items, old cars and trucks, looking like a junk yard with a lot of potential for growth.  Set against the background of the sunset, this area looked just as alien.


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