My neighbor, the skink

_MSW8424The American Five-lined Skink (AKA blue-tailed skink) is one of the most common lizards in the eastern U.S., but sightings in my neighborhood are pretty rare, so I was surprised to open my front door today and see this guy (gal?) standing outside my door.  I went back in and grabbed my camera and when I returned, I found this skink to be pretty camera shy as he ran up a tree in my front lawn. Eventually he seemed to get used to me and came back down the tree as I snapped photo after photo.  In fact he soon ignored me completely and went about his business of catching a meal, which he did and even carried back to my front door.

_MSW8555Now, below, doesn’t he look like he can’t wait to dig in to his meal?…which he did, right on my ‘Welcome’ mat!



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