February in Death Valley


February is a great time of year to visit Death Valley National Park in CA. The temperatures are pleasant and this year, February rains created a temporary lake on the salt flat which provided a nice sunset reflection.

You can also have some windy days here which help to shape the sand dunes and coverup the footprints of previous visitors. These dunes are at Mesquite Flat.


The trip this year included a ride out to The Racetrak, where the formerly ‘mysterious’ rocks sail across the playa (thanks to ice sheets) leaving trails on the dry lake bed floor.


Once place where is it usually very windy is up on Dante’s View, some 5,000 feet above the floor of Death Valley. From this vantage point you can see just about the entire length of Death Valley and its amazing salt flats, photographed just before sunrise.


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  • PaulMarch 13, 2016 - 9:31 am

    Nice shot


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