Winter at Swallow Falls

Swallow Falls State Park in MD has an old growth forest that includes tall hemlocks.  I tried snowshoeing for the first time, which allows you to get through the deep snow fairly easily and as our guide said, ‘bushwhack a trail’.  The forest was very quiet with just the sound of rushing water as we neared a stream.  The tree limbs held huge gobs of snow, creating a wonderful winter scene.

This area had about 20″-24″ inches of snow on the ground, blanketing everything. The photo above is near Upper Swallow Falls with the waters of the Youghiogheny River still flowing.

Looking up river from the falls, the sky which was overcast for about 90% of the time I was there, showed some blue as the sun began to set.  However, within minutes the cloud cover reappeared covering the entire sky.

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  • Sue RamdinFebruary 13, 2011 - 7:16 pm

    Love this-it’s beautiful!


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