Instructional eBooks

It seems just about everyone has an interest in photography these days, and an interest in learning how to take better photographs. A number of very talented nature photographers have created instructional eBooks that can be downloaded on your computer at very reasonable cost.  Below are links to some eBooks that I have found to be excellent references on improving photographic skills.

Ian Plant has created a series of e-books on landscape and wildlife photography that take a set of photographs and provide the ‘recipe’ for how each shot was achieved. You can check them out at this link:  Ian Plant eBooks (if you purchase an eBook from this site, Ian will throw a couple bucks my way :))

Joe Rossbach currently has two eBooks available that are instructional guides on composition and creating autumn images.  You can find out more information on these guides at this link: Joe Rossbach eBooks

Guy Tal has written an excellent eBook called Creative Landscape Photography with extensive text on creative control and the toolset of a photographer.  You can see Guy’s eBook at this link: Guy Tal eBook

All of these eBooks are outstanding and very worth the minimal cost.


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